ASPİLSAN Enerji History
ASPİLSAN was established on April 2nd 1981, in Kayseri to fulfil our country's battery and rechargeable cell battery needs, with donations made by charitable citizens and organizations. With this aspect, it is an unprecedented transformation of patriotism into a concrete company.
ASPİLSAN Inc. started its activities in 1984 by producing Ni-Cd IEC KR 35/62 (R20) rechargeable cell batteries and continued to produce cell batteries used in radios a year later.
ASPİLSAN developed this production by producing different batteries and cell batteries for many device manufacturers, especially defence industry companies. Since 1988, it has continued production by obtaining various quality certificates to improve production standards.
ASPİLSAN, which started the production of Aircraft batteries in 1993, gained competence in a new field by producing batteries used in government aircraft. With this product, it increased its production capacity and product variety. Moreover, with the export of aircraft batteries, it also turned to foreign markets in this period.
ince 2005, ASPİLSAN put on its agenda the production of lithium-ion batteries, which emerged due to technological developments. Lithium-ion cell batteries, which can store much more energy and are much lighter than their counterparts, could be used with electronic circuits, unlike others. To fulfil this need, ASPİLSAN first developed the electronic design and production capability required to use these batteries. In addition, it gained the ability to design and manufacture Printed Circuit Boards during this period. With the acquisition of this capability, ASPİLSAN, which started the production of lithium-ion cell batteries, was approved by Panasonic company. With this approval, ASPİLSAN, which received the rechargeable battery distributorship of PANASONIC company, thus entered a new era. This process continued with LG, and it became the approved battery manufacturer of lithium manufacturers on a global scale.
In 2010, ISO 9001:2008 quality and safety certificate was obtained to fulfil the day's needs and to increase production standards. Today, all production facilities of ASPİLSAN Enerji;
• ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System,
• AS9100 (REV.D) Quality Management System for Aerospace and Defense Organizations,
• ISO 22163 International Rail Systems Industry Business Management System
• NATO Quality Assurance System for AQAP 2110 Design, Development and Production,
• ISO 14001 Environmental Management System,
• ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
continues its activities to fulfil its needs.
In addition, ASPİLSAN Enerji has the authority to design and manufacture batteries for all kinds of aircraft with the Design and Production Organization Approvals obtained from EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) in 2018.
The 27Ah Ni-Cd aircraft battery model, produced by ASPİLSAN since 1993, successfully passed 33 different electrical and environmental tests in 2021 in EASA standards. Thus, the ETSO certification process, which will allow the use of batteries in all kinds of aircraft, has been completed.
ASPİLSAN re-examined its fields of activity in 2016 and was restructured as ASPİLSAN Enerji Inc. to continue its activities in developing conditions.
ASPİLSAN Enerji Inc. It has turned its Li-ion battery production activities, which started with R&D in 2018, into a concrete investment in 2020. At the end of the investment process in 2020, it produced the first rechargeable 18650-sized li-ion battery in our country in 2022. Within the scope of this investment, not only li-ion cell were produced, the Battery Production facility was also modernized, and the production capability for rail systems was also acquired. As a result, ASPİLSAN Enerji's cell battery quality has been approved on various platforms, and domestic and international sales have started. ASPİLSAN Enerji also made the first battery export of our country.
ASPİLSAN Enerji A.Ş.’nin bu ilerleyişinin altında yenileşmeye, inovasyona ve araştırmaya verdiği önem yatmaktadır. Bu kapsamda ASPİLSAN Enerji 2016 yılında Erciyes Teknopark’ta bir Ar-Ge merkezi açarak Araştırma ve Geliştirme faaliyetlerine başlamıştır. 2018 yılının Mayıs ayında ise pil teknolojisinin ülkemizde geliştirilmesi ve müteakip dönemde kurulacak pil üretim tesisinin teknolojisine hakim olunması için Ankara’da tasarım, ürün geliştirme ve inovasyon merkezi kurulmuştur. Yine 2018 yılının Ağustos ayında önümüzdeki dönemde enerji çözümlerinden bir olacağı öngörüsü ile İstanbul’da hidrojen teknolojileri üzerine çalışmalar yapmak üzere bir Ar-Ge merkezi kurulmuştur. Bugün ASPİLSAN Enerji Kayseri yerleşkesinde bir, Ankara yerleşkesinde bir, İstanbul yerleşkesinde bir olmak üzere üç Ar-Ge ve Tasarım Merkezinde Ar-Ge ve ürün tasarım faaliyetlerine devam etmektedir.
ASPİLSAN Enerji A.Ş., bugün Kayseri Mimarsinan Organize Sanayi Bölgesi’nde 25.000 m² Kayseri Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde ise 5.000 m2 kapalı alanda lityum pillerden, her sektöre yönelik çeşitli tip ve güçte bataryaları, çok farklı güç ve kimyalarda uçak akülerini, yine farklı güç ve ebatta raylı sistem ve deniz sistem akülerini tasarlamakta, geliştirmekte ve üretmektedir.
ASPİLSAN Enerji, which has recently increased its activities for e-mobility and Energy Storage, aims to be at the forefront of the quality and reliability of all its products and to grow with solidarity and cooperation with its suppliers/customers.