Our top priorities in all of our business interactions and operations are integrity and honesty. In our interactions with our employees and all of our stakeholders, we act ethically and honestly. Respect and integrity are essential to how we conduct business. Our staff members uphold high moral standards and are honorable and trustworthy.
Our employees don't exhibit attitudes or actions that might erode their own and the company's trust and harm their reputations. They are careful to keep their word. They finish and meet their duties on time.
As members of ASPİLSAN Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., we take precautions to safeguard the privacy and personal data of our clients, partners, and other pertinent individuals and organizations. protect and only use confidential information about the company's operations for ASPİLSAN Enerji Industry and Trade Inc.; we only share this information with the appropriate parties within the designated authority.
We must refrain from disclosing any ASPİLSAN Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. confidential information in order to advance our own commercial interests. We have proprietary information that we have acquired as a result of performing our duties, including projects, rules, and so forth, when we leave our organization. We don't exercise with the work. We never work on or discuss private material in a public setting where our talks could be overheard or the data could be compromised. compromidsfed may be obverheard of dasdfa akgptıghrnr
As members of ASPİLSAN Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. strive to separate our interests. Taking advantage of our current mission; We do not receive personal benefits directly or indirectly from people or organizations with we conduct business. ASPİLSAN Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. does not conduct business activities based on financial interests other than those stated above. We refrain from utilizing ASPİLSAN Enerji's brand, influence, and identity for our own gain.
In the event of a potential conflict of interest, we apply these methods when we believe that the interests of interested parties can be safely protected through legal and ethical methods. When in doubt, we consult our manager, the Human Resources Department or the Ethics Committee.
We conduct all of our present business operations both domestically and internationally in compliance with the laws and rules of the nations in which we conduct our operations and in line with the principles of universal human rights. We promptly give regulatory bodies and organizations information that is accurate, comprehensive, and easy to grasp.
In addition to our legal obligations, we uphold our commitments to our stakeholders, rivals, society, humanity, and on behalf of ASPİLSAN Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. We also take care to behave responsibly in public and act as decent citizens.
When receiving gifts or attending entertainment, the “golden rule” is full disclosure. When giving gifts or entertainment, the “golden rule” is to be reasonable and how it is perceived from the outside.
We are all expected to do the following:
5.1. Gifts or entertainment are never accepted from any supplier unless they are of truly symbolic value.
5.2. Cash gifts are never offered or welcomed. Verify that all proposed gifts and entertainment adhere to the standards of the organization.
Holidays, the New Year, etc. Gifts received on days other than special occasions may not exceed 10% of the minimum salary.
Occupational health and safety at work and on the workplace are provided by ASPİLSAN Enerji. Employees of ASPİLSAN Enerji follow the guidelines and directives established for this purpose. According to their instructions, employees wear the special work attire or accessories provided in order to maintain occupational health and safety.
Members at ASPİLSAN Enerji are conscious of the importance of environmental preservation for society at large, and they conduct all business operations with an eye on minimizing environmental impact, safeguarding natural resources, and ensuring efficient environmental management.
Member of ASPİLSAN Enerji;
- Avoid sharing anything that could harm the institution's reputation or be used to discredit it.
- In their own social media accounts, they offer their ideas based on facts, within the parameters of their area of expertise, while also considering how they can affect the institution's reputation.
- Avoid posting anything sexually explicit or violent on social media.
- They take into account the general interest in his sharing. It doesn't behave out of self-interest, political, philosophical, or any other similar motives.
- It stays away from any actions or activities that could jeopardize someone's personal rights, particularly their life, name, honor, and dignity, as well as their private or family life, career, or financial interests.
- It avoids saying things that would damage a company's reputation and keeps information and documents from being shared that might jeopardize security and confidentiality.
- Top management of the company is in charge of effectively putting ethical ideals into practice and developing a culture that supports them.
- The Human Resources Manager reviews, updates, and documents all pertinent rules and ethical guidelines with input from the Ethics Committee before making them public with the General Manager's blessing.
- Making certain that everyone working for the company reads the ethical principles, is aware of them, and signs the Employee Declaration (Annex-1 Ethical Principles Employee Declaration), as well as making sure that everyone signs the Ethical Principles Compliance Form at the start of each year and renews their notifications (Annex-2 Ethical Principles Compliance Form). The culprit is Human Resources.
ASPİLSAN Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. ethics committee It is in charge of looking into and resolving reports of ethical principle violations that fall under the purview of such principles. The following individuals make up the Ethics Committee, which reports to the General Manager:
Head – Human Resources and Corporate Support Manager
Member – Production Manager
Member – Legal Counsel
The following principles serve as the framework under which the Ethics Committee does its work:
- The ethics committee protects the identity of the complainant and the specifics of the complaint in notifications and complaints.
- It has the authority to request information, documents and evidence related to the investigation directly from the unit available. It can examine all kinds of information and documents it obtains only limited to the subject of investigation.
- The investigation process is written down from the beginning. Information, evidence and documents are added to the report.
- The minutes are signed by the chairman and members.
- The investigation is handled promptly and the result is reached as quickly as possible.
- Decisions taken by the Board are put into effect immediately.
- Relevant departments and authorities are informed about the result.
- The chairman and members of the board act independently and unaffected by the department managers and the hierarchy within the organization while performing their duties on this issue. They cannot be pressured or indoctrinated on the subject.
- If the Board deems it necessary, it can seek expert opinion and benefit from experts by taking measures that will not violate the principles of confidentiality during the investigation.
Those who transgress the company's policies, processes, and ethical standards will face a range of disciplinary penalties, up to and including, if required, termination. Those who support or direct inappropriate behavior and acts that result in infringing the law, or who have knowledge of these problems and fail to appropriately notify the appropriate parties, will also face disciplinary punishment.