
İSG Politikamız

We aim to realize entire phases of production operations in a healthy and secure work environment. In the direction of our aim, as a requirement of our responsibility and for the formation of healthy individuals and work force;

  • To determine, implement and enforce required precautions for the prevention of workplace accidents and occupational illnesses.
  • To perform a risk evaluation and to reach into an acceptable risk level with the inclusion of employees.
  • To use equipments and proper technologies for a healthy and secure work environment.
  • To supply the involvement of every level within the company organisation and our stakeholders into the Occupational Health and Safety applications.
  • To create an Occupational Health and Safety culture and to adopt it as a form of life.


Within this direction we declare and commit to the following;

  • To provide the legal responsibilities, related standarts and requirements in the topic of Occupational Health and Safety.
  • To continually improve our processes and enchance our performance with a proactive approach in the topic of Occupational Health and Safety.
  • To work up into maintain trainings and activities devoted to our employees, our interns / apprentices and personnel & visitors of subcontractor / supplier companies which we acquire services from for the adoption of our Occupational Health and Safety principles.